Things haven't quite gone to plan (when do they ever?!?)
First week of the new year came, my husband went back to work, my little boy went back to playgroup (with some protesting) and started at Nursery Plus and all was going well. Then on the Wednesday evening there was a knock on the front door and when I opened it, there on my doorstep was the headteacher of the local school! She had come to see if I was still doing supply teaching as she had some work to offer me. She asked me to go and see her in school on the Thursday morning and I came out of her office with 4 mornings a week of work (in addition to the alternate 1 afternoon one week and 2 the next I am already working at another school!!!)
So, crafting has had to take a back seat, I am hoping that once I get my head around the structure of my week I will be able to find some slots to fit it in as I would still like to be selling my cards etc through KK@the PO (although that's all about to move to a new location as well!) and have it there to fall back on when this work comes to an end!
It's A Happy Birthday Me WOYWW!? Day#823
18 hours ago